Money Isn’t Everything, But Everything Needs Money

Riza Putri
3 min readJan 16, 2024

Ever heard the phrase “Money isn’t everything, but everything needs money”? It’s like one of those life paradoxes that makes you go, “Hmm, true that!”

Money, the green paper or digital numbers in our bank accounts, is this omnipresent force that quietly influences every aspect of our lives. While we’ve all heard about the value of experiences, love, and happiness, we can’t deny that, in the practical realm, money holds a crucial role in keeping the gears of life turning.

Picture this: you wake up in the morning, and the sun is shining, birds are chirping, and you’re thinking, “Life is beautiful.” But then reality hits, and you realize you need money to make things happen. Your rent, groceries, that morning coffee that’s practically a lifeline — money makes the world go ‘round.

Now, I’m not saying we should turn into Scrooge McDuck, swimming in piles of gold coins and letting money rule our lives. But let’s acknowledge the truth: without money, life can be tough. It’s the engine that keeps the wheels turning, the fuel for the journey.

Think about it. Education? Needs money. A cozy home? Money. That dream vacation where you sip coconut water on a beach somewhere? Yep, money again. Even the basics like food, water, and shelter require those green bills.

Here’s the paradox: while money isn’t everything, it’s hard to deny that everything needs money. It’s like the silent puppeteer behind the scenes, making things happen. We may not always like the game, but we’re players on this grand stage, and money is a part of the script.

Now, let’s flip the coin. Money can make life easier. It’s not just about survival; it’s about having the freedom to choose. Want to explore the world? Money can open those doors. Need medical care? Money can provide it. Dream of starting a business? Money, once again, is your ally.

Sure, it can’t buy love, but it can buy you the time to cherish moments with your loved ones without the stress of financial worries. It can’t buy peace, but it can eliminate the anxiety that arises from the constant struggle to make ends meet.

It’s like having a magical wand that can turn dreams into reality. Money isn’t just paper; it’s a tool, a resource that, when used wisely, can enhance our lives.

So, as we navigate this wild journey, let’s find a balance. Let’s appreciate the moments that money can’t buy, savor the richness of human connection, and value the priceless experiences. But let’s also acknowledge the importance of those dollar bills that keep the show running.

Next time someone tells you “money isn’t everything,” nod in agreement, because experiences, love, and laughter are truly priceless. But, let’s also tip our imaginary hats to the silent puppeteer that makes the world go ‘round — good ol’ moolah.

In the grand scheme of things, money isn’t everything, but it sure is a crucial player in this symphony called life. So, here’s to chasing dreams, making memories, and maybe, just maybe, having enough in the bank to make it all a bit smoother.

Wishing you a wallet full of opportunities.

With love,



Riza Putri

hi, welcome to my thinking space ✨ the only safe haven for me to untangle the wires about roller coaster of life, psychology, work, and especially about love.